Apache Tomcat Connectors (mod_jk) 1.2.28 for NetWare
Here you'll find the binaries for Apache and Netscape Enterprise Web Server.
Built for NetWare versions of Apache 2.2.0 and above, and 2.0.52 and above, 1.3.27 and above, Netscape Enterprise Web Server.
mod_jk_1.2.28-httpd-2.2.12-nw.zip is for Apache 2.2.12 and only works with Apache 2.2.12 and later.
Unzip it to the root of your SYS volume to get the updated connector.
This will add or replace the mod_jk.nlm in \Apache22\modules.
mod_jk_1.2.28-httpd-2.2.11-nw.zip is for Apache 2.2.x and works with Apache 2.2.0 and later up to and including 2.2.11.
Unzip it to the root of your SYS volume to get the updated connector.
This will add or replace the mod_jk.nlm in \Apache22\modules.
mod_jk_1.2.28-httpd-2.0.63-nw.zip is for Apache 2.0.x and works with Apache 2.0.52 and later.
Unzip it to the root of your SYS volume to get the updated connector.
This will add or replace the mod_jk.nlm in \Apache2\modules.
mod_jk_1.2.28-httpd-1.3.41-nw.zip is for Apache 1.3.x and works with Apache 1.3.27 and later.
Unzip it to the root of your SYS volume to get the updated connector.
This will add or replace the mod_jk.nlm in \Apache\modules.
mod_jk-1.2.28-netscape-nw.zip is for Netscape Enterprise Web Server as shipping with NetWare 5.1 and 6.0.
Unzip it to the root of your SYS volume to get the updated connector.
This will add or replace the nsapi_rd.nlm in \Tomcat\33\bin\netscape\netware.
The connectors for Apache 1.3.x and NetWare Enterprise Web Server are no longer tested intensively.
Please use
mod_jk 1.2.15
which was the last fully tested version for these web servers if you run into problems, and report issues through
The Apache Tomcat Project