Apache UIMA-AS (Unstructured Information Management Architecture - Asynchronous Scaleout) v2.3.0-incubating Release Notes
1. What is UIMA-AS?
2. Major Changes in this Release
3. How to Get Involved
4. How to Report Issues
5. List of JIRA Issues Fixed in this Release
UIMA Asynchronous Scaleout (AS) is an add-on to Apache UIMA that provides a set of capabilities
for achieving flexible scaleout. It is a second generation design, replacing the
CPM and Vinci Services. The CPM and Vinci are still available and are not being deprecated,
but new designs are encouraged to use UIMA-AS for scalability, and current designs
reaching limitations may want to move to UIMA-AS.
UIMA-AS is integrated with the new flow controller architecture, and can be applied to
both primitive and aggregate analysis engines. It fully supports CAS Multipliers.
Please refer to the README for a list of changes.
The Apache UIMA project really needs and appreciates any contributions,
including documentation help, source code and feedback. If you are interested
in contributing, please visit
The Apache UIMA project uses JIRA for issue tracking. Please report any
issues you find at
Release Notes - UIMA - Version 2.3AS
- [UIMA-845] - UIMA-AS client doesnt recover from failed connection to a temp queue
- [UIMA-914] - If the Error Configuration thresholdWindow value is invalid it is quietly ignored
- [UIMA-955] - Deployment fails if 2 delegates have the same queue name, on same or different brokers
- [UIMA-959] - Scaleout doc wrongly implies Vinci and AS services can be in same aggregate
- [UIMA-1002] - Problem scaling out CAS multipliers
- [UIMA-1011] - [DDE] When switching backward and forward between C++ and Java top-AE, Custom Settings are not properly handled
- [UIMA-1019] - A UIMA Aggregate Cas Multiplier cannot be deployed as an AS Aggregate service
- [UIMA-1022] - Sometimes hangs at initialization when trying to connect to a remote service
- [UIMA-1026] - UIMA-As ThresholdWindow not implemented correctly
- [UIMA-1030] - Remove two unused interfaces: org.apache.uima.adapter.jms.client.UIMAAsynchronousEngine
- [UIMA-1034] - [DDE] Dirty flag is not set when environment parameters are edited
- [UIMA-1040] - Modify dd2spring to handle UIMA-AS Aggregate Cas Multipliers
- [UIMA-1057] - UIMA-AS Aggregate Tries To Dispose a CAS that Has Not Yet Been Fully Processed
- [UIMA-1070] - Fix a hang in UIMA-AS caused by an invalid AE descriptor
- [UIMA-1076] - In DDE, CAS pool size setting is Not Applicable when Top AE is a primitive AE
- [UIMA-1078] - Pool size and heap size for CAS Multiplier should NOT be displayed (be disable) for Top Analysis Engine running as AS aggregate
- [UIMA-1081] - Fix a hang in the common client caused by inconsistent synchronization
- [UIMA-1084] - Uima AS JMX statistics are invalid
- [UIMA-1091] - ServicePerformanceMBean implementation in Uima AS does not return valid idle time from getIdleTime()
- [UIMA-1110] - The default setting of prefetch=1 is causing problems
- [UIMA-1117] - Simple aggregate hangs when get a delegate error on an input CAS
- [UIMA-1118] - Fix "Failed to start jmx connector: Cannot bind to URL" while starting uima AS service
- [UIMA-1120] - UIMA AS use of TimeToLive can lead to service request failures.
- [UIMA-1122] - Reset method of the ClientInfo MBean deletes important parameters
- [UIMA-1124] - If 2 delegates use the same queue name getMeta will time out on one of them
- [UIMA-1125] - Modify UIMA-AS synchronization when deserializing CASes
- [UIMA-1131] - Delegates following a CAS Multiplier do not get the complete typesystem
- [UIMA-1132] - Fix a hang in UIMA-AS if a Cas Multiplier is the last component in the pipeline
- [UIMA-1135] - UIMA-AS dd2spring needs update for UIMA-1019
- [UIMA-1137] - Service hangs if deployed before broker is ready
- [UIMA-1138] - Deployment of an aggregate hangs if one of its co-located delegates has a missing import
- [UIMA-1145] - UIMA-AS client occasionally hangs while processing CASes
- [UIMA-1149] - [UIMA-AS] fix potential thread safety issue with flow controller code
- [UIMA-1154] - UIMA-AS extended tests hang when running with IBM JVM 1.6 service release 1
- [UIMA-1158] - Some shell scripts don't work on Ubuntu Linux
- [UIMA-1159] - UIMA-AS dd2Spring fix - generating wrong property for co-located component - treating it as a remote
- [UIMA-1161] - UIMA-AS inputQueueScaleout should be settable on nested co-located aggregates
- [UIMA-1162] - Synchronize checkin() method of the AnalysisEngineInstancePoolWithThreadAffinity
- [UIMA-1164] - Increasing concurrent Consumer count on Spring Listener causes creation of multiple temp queues
- [UIMA-1165] - Fix a race condition in the UIMA-AS aggregate that results in a hang
- [UIMA-1166] - Getmeta replies from some remote delegates are ignored, causing a timeout
- [UIMA-1171] - Initialization hangs if an Exception is thrown when initializing the flow controller AND delegates are offline
- [UIMA-1186] - UIMA-AS update POMs to depend on 2.3.0 uima base version, and update uima-as poms to 2.3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT
- [UIMA-1190] - Jmx Monitor in Uima AS not compiling when using Java 5
- [UIMA-1191] - Uima AS Reply Listener should be terminated when a delegate is disabled
- [UIMA-1194] - JMX stats for UIMA AS seem inconsistent
- [UIMA-1196] - Add support for binary serialization and deserialization in Uima AS
- [UIMA-1198] - False msg referring to UIMA_HOME logged by first JUnit test
- [UIMA-1199] - If a parallel flow involves colocated delegates the application hangs
- [UIMA-1200] - Optimize UIMA AS XMI Cas serialization by reusing an instance of a XML Parser
- [UIMA-1205] - When Handling Invalid Message Uima AS Service Needs to Log Which Property Makes The Message Invalid
- [UIMA-1209] - Old 2.2.2 services cannot be used in parallel
- [UIMA-1215] - The README for UIMA-AS refers to core UIMA documantation that is not in the build
- [UIMA-1216] - UIMA AS Client Code Doesn't Release CAS While Handling Process Exception
- [UIMA-1217] - entityProcessComplete returns null CAS on error
- [UIMA-1218] - UIMA AS Primitive Controller Doesnt Report Exception During Initialization
- [UIMA-1219] - UIMA AS Aggregate Hangs While Processing Multiple CASes from the Client
- [UIMA-1220] - CASes are not released from remote CAS Multipliers when the reply queue is remote
- [UIMA-1223] - Annotators should be initialized in the same thread that their process method will later be called on
- [UIMA-1224] - Exceptions received from a delegate don't identify their origin
- [UIMA-1229] - Add Private (not shared) Cache to UIMA AS Controllers For Storing Intermediate State for Each CAS
- [UIMA-1231] - UIMA AS Doesnt Expose to JMX Sizes of Java Queues Used For Internal Messaging
- [UIMA-1232] - Fix Synchronization Problem in the UIMA AS code
- [UIMA-1233] - Log Outgoing Message Sizes Destined for Remote Queue
- [UIMA-1234] - Cleanup Testcases to Handle ServiceShutdownException Quietly
- [UIMA-1236] - Fix a hang in the testProcessParallelFlowWithDelegateDisable testcase
- [UIMA-1237] - Fix "Cas Not Found In CasManager Cache" Error in the Parallel Step
- [UIMA-1238] - Fix NullPointerException When Sending Reply to Uima AS Client
- [UIMA-1239] - Fix "Consumer Closed" Exception Thrown By ActiveMQ
- [UIMA-1240] - Deployment Descriptor Editor resets CAS Pool size for aggregates when you change number of instances of a delegate
- [UIMA-1245] - Processing order of parent CAS different on UIMA and UIMA AS
- [UIMA-1246] - Error handling for CASes generated in an aggregate needs clarification.
- [UIMA-1253] - UIMA-AS Can't run Aggregate containing a CAS Consumer delegate
- [UIMA-1254] - UIMA AS Aggregate ServiceInfo JMX Component is Missing Broker URL
- [UIMA-1255] - Modify UIMA-AS Aggregate to Handle Cas Not Found Error
- [UIMA-1259] - Service MBean methods for accessing UIMA-CPP JMX statistics need to be synchronized
- [UIMA-1265] - Incomplete Metadata Returned From UIMA AS Primitive Service When Deployed With Synchronous Aggregate
- [UIMA-1269] - NPE when using a C++ service deployed via JNI
- [UIMA-1270] - runRemoteAsyncAE uses binary serialization which is not supported for native CPP services
- [UIMA-1271] - UIMA-AS Should Use TextMessage Only for GetMeta Request and Reply
- [UIMA-1272] - Change Prefetch Value On a Temp Queue Connection Used By UIMA AS Client API
- [UIMA-1279] - UIMA AS Client Not Handling Errors When Deploying Synchronous Aggregate
- [UIMA-1285] - Fix Flow Object Not In Flow Cache Error
- [UIMA-1286] - UIMA AS Service Doesnt Start a Timer On Connection To a Temp Reply Queue
- [UIMA-1292] - Uima AS Jms Listener Should Support Retry When Establishing Connection To a Broker
- [UIMA-1293] - Replies from remote CasMultipliers that don't always generate CASes are not handled correctly
- [UIMA-1296] - UIMA AS Service Not Processing Stop Request
- [UIMA-1297] - Uima AS Service Not Handling Send Failures Correctly
- [UIMA-1303] - Uima AS Creates Jms Sessions With Wrong Acknowledgment Property
- [UIMA-1309] - Fix Uima AS testcase testPrimitiveServiceProcessPingFailure() to ignore RuntimeException
- [UIMA-1310] - Fix Uima AS Client memory leak
- [UIMA-1315] - Fix a hang in the Uima AS client
- [UIMA-1316] - FlowController collectionProcessComplete() method not called
- [UIMA-1317] - Modify UIMA AS Endpoint Object To Use Volatile Booleans
- [UIMA-1322] - Uima AS service should fetch broker URL from ServiceInfo object when creating connection to a reply queue
- [UIMA-1323] - Fix NPE in Uima AS GetMetaErrorHandler
- [UIMA-1324] - Uima AS not logging exceptions generated by Spring while parsing invalid Deployment Descriptor
- [UIMA-1327] - Cannot start broker with startBroker.sh script
- [UIMA-1328] - deployAsyncService.sh causes Log4j FileNotFoundException
- [UIMA-1339] - MESSAGE LOCALIZATION FAILED -- missing key UIMAJMS_send_reply_failed__FINE
- [UIMA-1343] - Uima AS aggregate controller should synchronize code that processes CPC replies from delegates
- [UIMA-1348] - Uima AS UIMA_Service class is not handling default broker correctly
- [UIMA-1353] - UIMA-AS JUnit test code suppresses some exceptions so may not report some test failures
- [UIMA-1355] - When one delagate in a parallel step fails, the flow continues without waiting for the last reply
- [UIMA-1357] - Uima AS testcase hangs when run in a loop
- [UIMA-1358] - Exceptions on generated CASes are returned to client without parentage information
- [UIMA-1359] - Strange warning message when deploying an Aggregate CM
- [UIMA-1367] - UIMA-AS docs & JavaDocs don't fully describe the UimaASStatusCallbackListener interface
- [UIMA-1369] - ResourceInitializationException in a collocated delegate causes a hang
- [UIMA-1375] - Fix a race condition while handling CASes generated by a Cas Multiplier
- [UIMA-1376] - Fix NPE in Uima AS Aggregate while handling getMeta responses
- [UIMA-1394] - Uima AS should log Id of an expired CAS
- [UIMA-1395] - No way to programatically kill a uimacpp process launched by UimacppServiceController
- [UIMA-1399] - Deployment of C++ service ignores <environmentVariable name="UIMACPP_STARTING_DIRECTORY">
- [UIMA-1402] - Uima AS listener threads sometimes hangs while trying to stop
- [UIMA-1406] - UimacppServiceController should implement AnalysisEngineController interface
- [UIMA-1407] - Fix UimaAS log messages
- [UIMA-1409] - The implementation of the uimaj-as-camel producer must be thread safe but is not
- [UIMA-1410] - The uimaj-as-camel producer should report and log all error/exceptions
- [UIMA-1416] - Stop sending ShutdownException from Uima AS service to the client
- [UIMA-1429] - Generate unique JMX name for every UIMA AS client instance
- [UIMA-1433] - UIMA AS service creates too many JMS connections
- [UIMA-1434] - UIMA AS logs an exception when handling stale messages
- [UIMA-1435] - UIMA AS client creates too many JMS connections to a broker
- [UIMA-1436] - Fix UIMA AS client code to address race conditions that may result in a hang
- [UIMA-1437] - Fix UIMA AS testcase code to address intermittent hangs
- [UIMA-1439] - Fix interemittent hangs in UIMA AS when stopping the JMS listener
- [UIMA-1449] - Fix ConcurrentModificationException in the Delegate object
- [UIMA-1450] - UIMA AS controller creates a component CAS Pool with a wrong name
- [UIMA-1454] - Stale requests are processed and subsequently labeled as exceptions
- [UIMA-1459] - Fix UIMA AS bugs reported by Findbugs
- [UIMA-1472] - Uima AS imports ConcurrentHashMap from a wrong package
- [UIMA-1475] - UIMA AS testcases hang when run with JDK 1.5
- [UIMA-1476] - Fix race condition in the UIMA As client when creating a shared JMS connection
- [UIMA-1477] - UIMA AS client hangs while handling CPC request
- [UIMA-1487] - Add support for collectionProcessComplete timeout setting in JMS service adapter
- [UIMA-1495] - dd2spring throws SAXParseException if parameters are appended to a broker URL
- [UIMA-1514] - uimaj-as-camel should not use default Bundle-SymbolicName
- [UIMA-1540] - Uima AS client consumes too much CPU while waiting for a free CAS
- [UIMA-1565] - Fix NPE in Uima AS jUnit code when running with AMQ 5.2
- [UIMA-1566] - build breaks for some components having no source files
- [UIMA-1573] - setUimaClassPath fixes
- [UIMA-1579] - The cas pool size of the camel uima driver must be configurable
- [UIMA-1580] - Synchronize AsynchAECasManager initialize() method to fix NPE while merging type systems
- [UIMA-1584] - Document Delta CAS XMI format
- [UIMA-1593] - AEs that declare multipleDeploymentAllowed=false can't be deployed as services and called from multiple clients in the same JVM
- [UIMA-1609] - binary assembly wrongly including FOP files
- [UIMA-1615] - make build-from-sources work
- [UIMA-1623] - Error handling incorrect if multiple delegates have the same window values
- [UIMA-1624] - Uima AS service should start listeners on its input queue on succesfull initialization only
- [UIMA-1626] - JmsOutputChannel.sendReply(Throwable t, ...) fails if exception is not serializeable
- [UIMA-1630] - Fix IndexOutOfBounds exception in BaseAnalysisEngineController
- [UIMA-1632] - UIMA AS service does not recover from broker failure and subsequent restart
- [UIMA-1633] - UimaASStatusCallbackListener javadoc should say when aStatus can be null
- [UIMA-1636] - Modify property names used to enable and configure UIMA AS Jmx Monitor
- [UIMA-1637] - Update JMX MBeans exposed by UIMA AS
- [UIMA-1638] - Remove dumping stack traces to stdout in UIMA AS
- [UIMA-1640] - UIMA AS aggregate is not merging Flow Controller's metadata
- [UIMA-1643] - UIMA AS client does not recover correctly when the connection to a broker fails
- [UIMA-1644] - uimaj-as-camel throws a NullPointerException when a null status is returned on initializationComplete
- [UIMA-1645] - uimaj-as-camel needs a timeout parameter
- [UIMA-1646] - Using failover in broker URL causes XML exception
- [UIMA-1647] - Scripts fail to call runUimaClass.sh
- [UIMA-1648] - UIMA AS lib path contains duplicate entries
- [UIMA-1649] - deployAsyncService.sh log4j warnings
- [UIMA-1651] - We should remove runRemoteAsyncAEmultiple.cmd
- [UIMA-1654] - UIMA AS client doesnt remove its MBean from the JMX Server on shutdown
- [UIMA-1655] - Fix NPE in UIMA AS service while creating a new listener
- [UIMA-1656] - UIMA AS aggregate should not attempt to send getMeta request to remotes when its stopping
- [UIMA-1657] - UIMA AS client fails if a failover broker uri with multiple endpoints is used
- [UIMA-1659] - UIMA AS aggregate creates a redundant temp reply queue for each delegate
- [UIMA-1662] - uima-as extract and build script has copy/paste error - is building base uima instead of uima-as
- [UIMA-1663] - All directories in UIMA distribution should be 755
- [UIMA-1665] - UIMA AS aggregate not handling timeouts correctly for parallel delegates
- [UIMA-1666] - CasPoolSize should equal numberOfInstances when deploying a primitive component
- [UIMA-1671] - UIMA AS client fails to localize exception message when executed in an OSGI server
- [UIMA-1672] - BaseAnalysisEngineController.stopCasMultiplier should log stopping also to log file
- [UIMA-1673] - uimaee_messages.properties contains key UIMAEE_stopping_collocated_cm_INFO twice
- [UIMA-1674] - Exception thrown from CasMultiplier.process should be reported to client as failure
- [UIMA-1675] - UIMA AS client does not log time out error correctly
- [UIMA-1681] - Wrong value for JMX monitoring property
- [UIMA-1683] - fix copyright notice in the NOTICE files
- [UIMA-1687] - correct top-level svn license/notice files
- [UIMA-1692] - add missing license headers to .project files etc. in uimaj-eclipse-... projects
- [UIMA-1696] - Fix log messages in UIMA AS aggregate
- [UIMA-1698] - Colocated service shows a wrong count for number of messages processed
- [UIMA-1699] - UIMA-AS start broker appears to hang - but maybe a logging issue (RC6)
- [UIMA-1701] - dd2spring script fails
- [UIMA-1702] - Service fails to start when the broker of one of its delegates is missing
- [UIMA-1703] - UIMA AS service uses the same log4j.properties file as the AMQ broker
- [UIMA-1704] - UIMA AS aggregate doesnt handle service broker restart
- [UIMA-1705] - UIMA AS client fails when service broker is restarted
- [UIMA-1706] - UIMA AS Camel driver should handle broker connection lost correctly
- [UIMA-1709] - Modify log4j.properties file used by ActiveMQ broker to restore location of the log file
- [UIMA-1712] - Finalize typesystem only when top level aggregate is ready
- [UIMA-1713] - Java and UIMA things holding on to objects loaded via Resource Manager fail when switching to another Resource Manager class loader instance
- [UIMA-1721] - Missing link in UIMA AS Camel Component documentation
- [UIMA-841] - move Eclipse feature maven builds into feature projects
- [UIMA-844] - Add connection recovery for temp queues in the JMS Listener object
- [UIMA-927] - Provide a way to drain Dead Letter Queue
- [UIMA-998] - The UIMA website should have a list of known problems and any work-arounds
- [UIMA-1109] - Need ability to quiesce an instance of a service
- [UIMA-1127] - Services that timeout should be handled differently on subsequent requests
- [UIMA-1130] - Deployment Descriptor should allow setting the number of concurrent listeners for a reply queue
- [UIMA-1133] - Timeout needs different implementation to eliminate interaction with CAS pool size
- [UIMA-1134] - Put additional scaleout scenarios in UIMA AS getting started
- [UIMA-1136] - [DDE] Support editing of Prefetch value and set default value to 0 (instead of 1)
- [UIMA-1140] - Embedded broker should be eliminated
- [UIMA-1146] - Setting the number of concurrent listeners of a reply queue for Co-located Delegates
- [UIMA-1156] - [SimpleServer] Add improvement to support UIMA-AS services
- [UIMA-1160] - [DDE] Copy missing icon named "editor.gif" from CDE to to DDE
- [UIMA-1163] - set svn:eol-style to native for source files in UIMA project
- [UIMA-1173] - BaseUIMAAsynchronousEngine_impl.getCAS() should queue requests
- [UIMA-1189] - Remove excessive synchronization from Uima As
- [UIMA-1211] - Optimize UIMA-AS Logging by Testing The Log Level
- [UIMA-1262] - Make changes to superPoms active before they are *installed*
- [UIMA-1274] - Add binary serialization option to JMS service descriptor
- [UIMA-1288] - Need a Better Approach For Specifying UIMA AS Broker URL in Deployment Descriptor
- [UIMA-1294] - Enable access of service's ipaddr from process Cas replies
- [UIMA-1332] - [DDE] Allow an "empty" value for the "Broker URL for input queue" field (related to UIMA-1288)
- [UIMA-1382] - Change log level for JMS timeout between services and their reply queues
- [UIMA-1391] - Client of a CAS Multiplier should be able to stop processing of a CAS
- [UIMA-1393] - UimaSerializer should make use of ThreadLocal
- [UIMA-1401] - Uima AS should assign explicit name to processing threads
- [UIMA-1412] - EntityProcessStatus implementations should implement toString to ease debuging
- [UIMA-1480] - Add version compatibility verification to UIMA-AS for base UIMA level
- [UIMA-1481] - add Javadocs to UIMA-AS assembly
- [UIMA-1484] - Update UIMA-AS Documentation
- [UIMA-1501] - more refactoring and updating - parent POMs
- [UIMA-1517] - Don't set executable bits on non-executables, when building assemblies
- [UIMA-1522] - Sandbox RegularExpressionAnnotator - change commons-io to test dependency
- [UIMA-1537] - License Notice Disclaimer copying
- [UIMA-1538] - Common Build Step: build source Jars for java Jars
- [UIMA-1541] - UIMA AS source should be reformated according to uima guideline
- [UIMA-1567] - Maven build: add <prerequisites> to uimaj to specify minimum Maven release level
- [UIMA-1568] - Remove no longer used assemble-plugin files from uimaj-ep- projects
- [UIMA-1574] - uima-as assembly is to be unzipped over base, but cannot be, because top level dir names differ
- [UIMA-1575] - Change eclipse update site and feature generation to use common maven mechanisms
- [UIMA-1578] - The uimaj-as-camel documentation should be extended and reviewed
- [UIMA-1585] - Run RAT on projects, fix missing licenses, add RAT running to POM, document exclusions
- [UIMA-1590] - fix extractAndBuild scripts
- [UIMA-1612] - Removed Unused classes from UIMA AS org.apache.uima.aae.error.handler package
- [UIMA-1613] - run Rat consistently for all maven assemblies
- [UIMA-1622] - Make uima-as dependencies more precise
- [UIMA-1635] - uima-as docs review fixes for 2.3.0 level
- [UIMA-1660] - uimaj-as-camel should support failover in configruation string
- [UIMA-1670] - uima-as startup issues
- [UIMA-1677] - UIMA-AS Doc updates from proofreading
- [UIMA-1689] - fix some miscompares between svn export and source-distribution
- [UIMA-1691] - change checkout to export in extract and build scripts
- [UIMA-1700] - copy LIC/NOT files to top level for UIMA-AS
- [UIMA-1719] - update copyright and pub dates to 2010
New Feature
- [UIMA-1017] - Client API does not support the CAS multiplier interface
- [UIMA-1104] - Need a monitor component for UIMA-AS services to capture performance metrics
- [UIMA-1168] - Use Delta CAS serialization to reduce overhead of remote service calls
- [UIMA-1172] - JMX client mbean should have attribute for max and average response latency
- [UIMA-1213] - UIMA-AS Client API needs additional JMX parameter - Time-waiting-for-CAS
- [UIMA-1214] - Enable use of *delta* BinaryCas for services
- [UIMA-1241] - UIMA AS Service Should Expose Cas Pool Size for Monitioring via JMX
- [UIMA-1300] - The client API needs to support optional callback listener before sendCas
- [UIMA-1311] - On Uima AS service startup log its runtime environment
- [UIMA-1314] - Add OSGI support to uima-as
- [UIMA-1354] - Add camel based uima-as driver
- [UIMA-1531] - Need a script to launch a UIMA-AS service via RunWithJarPath
- [UIMA-1604] - Add ShutdownHook to Uima As Service Wrapper
- [UIMA-1147] - Merge uima-as-post1st branch with the uima-as SVN trunk
- [UIMA-1155] - Remove stale methods and classes from the uima-as projects
- [UIMA-1381] - Write documentation for uimaj-as-camel project
- [UIMA-1413] - Add uimaj-as-camel to uima as distribution
- [UIMA-1479] - Move UIMA-AS out of sandbox, change to an "add-on" packaging style to the core
- [UIMA-1555] - repackage UIMA-AS to work as an add-on to base UIMA
- [UIMA-1614] - update 2.3.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT to drop the snapshot in prep for release