Bugs Fixed
- [PIVOT-249] - Compile warnings [rawtypes] when built with JDK1.7
- [PIVOT-254] - ScrollPane optimization can fail for nested scroll panes
- [PIVOT-281] - Column header in Stock Tracker demo shows trailing vertical grid line
- [PIVOT-290] - Highlight state not cleared properly in nested context menus
- [PIVOT-291] - Table re-sorts itself incorrectly in the stock tracker tutorial
- [PIVOT-297] - Window.open(owner) is prone to memory leak
- [PIVOT-298] - Off-by-1 layout error in TerraAccordionSkin
- [PIVOT-302] - CSVSerializer doesn't handle special characters correctly
- [PIVOT-311] - Exception in Mouse.release when released outside the display host's bounds
- [PIVOT-315] - Terra's default font cannot display all UTF-8 characters
- [PIVOT-319] - IllegalArgumentException causes user to be stuck in full screen mode
- [PIVOT-323] - PushButton pressed state is not shown for focused buttons in layered windows
- [PIVOT-329] - Native file drag & drop doesn't work in Linux
- [PIVOT-335] - Errors in FloatValidator
- [PIVOT-336] - Corner case bug in TextInput.maximumLength restriction
- [PIVOT-337] - FileBrowser[Sheet] doesn't allow navigation to different logical drives in Windows
- [PIVOT-338] - TerraPushButtonSkin baseline calculation fails when button is given more than its preferred height
- [PIVOT-339] - ImageViewSkin fill/preserveAspectRatio can yield clipping
- [PIVOT-349] - Cutoff text field not accepting focus (TablePane Demo)
- [PIVOT-351] - Bug in Sequence.Tree.pathOf
- [PIVOT-362] - Drag&Drop in Kitchen Sink Allows One Image to Overwrite Another
- [PIVOT-363] - Stock Tracker Demo: Inconsistent Selection Behavior when Adding New Ticket Symbol
- [PIVOT-364] - Exception in StockTracker
- [PIVOT-365] - StockTracker Stuck Displaying Blank
- [PIVOT-366] - XMLViewer Doesn't Accept Tag Names with Underscores
Improvements Made
- [PIVOT-103] - Optimize LabelSkin#paint(Graphics2D)
- [PIVOT-132] - pivot/wtk/ApplicationContext.java:1201 pivot.wtk.ApplicationContext.resourceCache is or uses a map or set of URLs, which can be a performance hog
- [PIVOT-173] - Add bounds checks on skin styles
- [PIVOT-233] - Revisit TextInput/TerraTextInputSkin implementation
- [PIVOT-234] - Add resizing support to TerraSheetSkin
- [PIVOT-235] - Complete tutorial documentation
- [PIVOT-236] - SplitPane's resize weight should be configurable
- [PIVOT-292] - Create new ButtonGroup class that implements org.apache.pivot.collections.Group and Iterable<Button>
- [PIVOT-294] - Rename MenuPopup#isAutoClose() to isContextMenu()
- [PIVOT-296] - Determine a Drawing's bounds from its Canvas rather than explicit width and height properties
- [PIVOT-300] - Refine TableView sort API
- [PIVOT-301] - Add a "variableItemHeight" style to TerraListViewSkin
- [PIVOT-305] - Renderers should be passed index/path
- [PIVOT-308] - QueryServlet.setSerializerClass is not very extensible
- [PIVOT-310] - Make CalendarDate a struct-like class
- [PIVOT-312] - Add new font setters to text-based skin classes that allow a caller to customize the theme font
- [PIVOT-316] - FileBrowser sorting improvements
- [PIVOT-324] - WTKXSerializer get method enhancement
- [PIVOT-325] - Allow to use SHIFT+END/HOME to select text in TextInput
- [PIVOT-326] - Make ImageView bindable
- [PIVOT-327] - Allow ImageView to load images in the background
- [PIVOT-333] - Maven POMs for Pivot (submission)
- [PIVOT-340] - Update skins to respect height argument in getBaseline()
New Features Added
- [PIVOT-16] - Complete TextArea
- [PIVOT-26] - Add orientation to Meter component
- [PIVOT-27] - Add orientation to Slider component
- [PIVOT-33] - Add support for Meter#text property in TerraMeterSkin
- [PIVOT-77] - implement a color chooser widget
- [PIVOT-99] - baseline alignment in layout
- [PIVOT-227] - Add a GridPane container
- [PIVOT-248] - Double-clicking on a table view header's column-resize area should size the column to fit
- [PIVOT-274] - Add support for declaring event handlers in WTKX attributes
- [PIVOT-289] - DesktopApplicationContext should remember its screen location and size
- [PIVOT-295] - Add hit detection to drawing primitives
- [PIVOT-299] - Make component editors fire events
- [PIVOT-303] - Add DisabledCheckmarkFilter to TreeView and ListView
- [PIVOT-307] - Add an "automationID" property to Component
- [PIVOT-309] - Add support for OS-specific keyboard modifiers and menu separators
- [PIVOT-314] - Addition of minimum and maximum width constraint for TableView columns.
- [PIVOT-320] - Add a "variableRowHeight" style to TerraTableViewSkin
- [PIVOT-321] - Add a hideDisabledFiles:boolean style to TerraFileBrowserSkin & TerraFileBrowserSheetSkin
- [PIVOT-328] - Add a org.apache.pivot.util.Time class
- [PIVOT-334] - Support stroke property in Text shape
- [PIVOT-341] - Add XPath support to XMLSerializer
- [PIVOT-358] - Add native XML support
Tasks Accomplished
- [PIVOT-260] - Add missing resources in generated jar files, for compatibility with Apache Maven Repository
- [PIVOT-261] - Add Web Start file for some Demos