Apache HTTP Server 2.0.64 Released

The Apache Software Foundation and the Apache HTTP Server Project are pleased to announce the release of version 2.0.64 of the Apache HTTP Server ("Apache"). This version of Apache is a bug and security fix release, covering a number of issues addressed previously in stable released versions;

and includes security fixes of the APR and APR-util 0.9.19 dependencies;

Please see the CHANGES_2.0.64 file in this directory for a full list of changes for this version.

This release is compatible with modules compiled for 2.0.42 and later versions. We consider this release to be the best version of the legacy Apache 2.0 available, and encourage users of all prior versions to upgrade to no less than this release. The Apache HTTP Project developers strongly encourages all users to migrate to Apache 2.2, as only limited and less frequent maintenance is performed on this legacy flavor.

This release includes the Apache Portable Runtime library suite release version 0.9.19, bundled with the tar and zip distributions. These libraries; libapr, libaprutil, and on Win32, libapriconv must all be updated to ensure binary compatibility and address many known platform bugs.

Apache HTTP Server 2.0.64 and the recommended 2.2 release are available for download from;


Please see the CHANGES_2.0 file, linked from the above page, for a full list of changes. A condensed list, CHANGES_2.0.64 provides the complete list of changes since 2.0.63.