$Id: RELEASE-NOTES.txt 1055366 2011-01-05 09:17:32Z mturk $ Commons Daemon Package Version 1.0.5 Release Notes INTRODUCTION: Commons Daemon is a set of utilities and Java support classes for running Java applications as server processes. Commonly known as 'daemon' processes in Unix terminology (hence the name), on Windows they are called 'services'. This document contains the release notes for this version of the Commons Daemon package, and highlights changes since the previous version. The current release adds new features and bug fixes, and is being done now to follow the release early/release often mentality. Compatibility with 1.0.3 ------------------------ Binary compatible - Yes Source compatible - Yes Semantic compatible - Yes Commons DAEMON 1.0.3 requires a minimum of JDK 1.3 NEW FEATURES: * DAEMON-180: Add DaemonWrapper to allow running standard applications as daemons. (1.0.4) * DAEMON-179: Allow procrun to use java/lang/System as --ShutdownClass. (1.0.4) * DAEMON-178: Allow jsvc umask to be configured at build time * DAEMON-177: Allow fail during init with nicer message. (1.0.4) * DAEMON-176: Create config.nice during configure step. (1.0.4) * DAEMON-173: Allow --JavaHome=jdk and --JavaHome=jre options that will guess default JavaHome from the registry. (1.0.4) * DAEMON-160: Remove obsolete code; rename native/nt as native/windows (1.0.4) * DAEMON-144: Drop sample dependency on Commons Collections ExtendedProperties (1.0.4) * DAEMON-95: Support log rotation using SIGUSR1 (1.0.4) * DAEMON-80: Syslog support for jsvc (1.0.4) * DAEMON-138: Add --PidFile option to allow storing running process id. (1.0.3) * DAEMON-137: Add --LogJniMessages allowing to configure JNI verbose message logging. By default those messages were always logged. (1.0.3) * DAEMON-140: Add missing Java6 parameters -ea, da, -esa, -dsa, -showversion and their long name synonyms. (1.0.3) * DAEMON-142: Add option to display procrun version. (1.0.3) * DAEMON-166: Add classpath .jar expansion. If the classpath element ends with asterisk it will evaluate to all .jar files found in the path. (1.0.3) * Add -wait and -stop parameters. (1.0.1). The -wait parameter is experimental: that a is loop testing for a file in /tmp and waiting n/10 seconds. * Allow to run as normal user for testing. (1.0.1). * Initial import to Commons, including the daemon Java API, and jsvc for Unix and Windows NT/2K/XP, which allows running a Java program as a native operating system daemon * Switch to JIRA bug tracking sytem. * Add sample ProcrunService Java application for use with Procrun Jvm/Java modes (1.0.3) BUG FIXES: 1.0.5: DAEMON-158, DAEMON-187, DAEMON-188, DAEMON-190 1.0.4: DAEMON-95, DAEMON-171, DAEMON-100, DAEMON-164, DAEMON-165, DAEMON-175, DAEMON-177, DAEMON-150, DAEMON-163, DAEMON-182, DAEMON-181 1.0.3: DAEMON-108, DAEMON-128, DAEMON-139, DAEMON-143, DAEMON-148, DAEMON-135, DAEMON-155, DAEMON-159, DAEMON-161, DAEMON-145, DAEMON-146, DAEMON-167, DAEMON-168, DAEMON-154, DAEMON-149 1.0.2: DAEMON-16, DAEMON-31, DAEMON-40, DAEMON-45, DAEMON-49, DAEMON-60, DAEMON-84, DAEMON-90, DAEMON-91, DAEMON-92, DAEMON-93, DAEMON-94, DAEMON-96, DAEMON-97, DAEMON-98, DAEMON-102, DAEMON-105, DAEMON-106, DAEMON-110, DAEMON-112, DAEMON-113, DAEMON-114, DAEMON-115, DAEMON-116, DAEMON-117, DAEMON-118, DAEMON-119, DAEMON-120, DAEMON-121, DAEMON-123, DAEMON-124, DAEMON-125, DAEMON-126, DAEMON-129, DAEMON-130, DAEMON-132, DAEMON-133 1.0.1: 304310, 30177, 27523, 29465, 31614, 33580, 31613, 34851. Feedback -------- Open source works best when you give feedback: http://commons.apache.org/daemon/ Please direct all bug reports to JIRA https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DAEMON Or subscribe to the commons-user mailing list (prefix emails by [daemon]) http://commons.apache.org/mail-lists.html The Commons-DAEMON Team